Sunday, September 27, 2009

Move Now!

Hate to sound preachy or cynical but really i'm just ready to kick your ass.
It is time. Time to start or step it up and take your body to the next level.
I hear it all the time.."I don't have time", "don't have any equipment", "too busy with the Kids","too tired". I say BULL%$%T!

NOW is the time. Prevent injuries before they happen. Perform better at work and at play. Set an example for your family and children and set them on a path of movement. Have more energy and vitality and even sexuality! Eat better and simpler. Be happier and improve self-worth and independence. Be free of medical issues and the "system" that is all about a quick fix. Get in tune with your temple, that is your body; you know the only one you have in this short, amazing journey.

It WON'T be easy. Nothing really good usually is. It might cut into your TV time or Facebook grab ass. People might laugh at you and yes; you may get sweaty, bruised, sore, and even bloody. But you are a human being, an animal and you were designed to MOVE. You were not designed to slouch on the couch and watch "Reality Tv" and other mindless twit's waste your precious time.

Still have that time issue though huh? Yeah the gym and fitness industry is good at telling you need to get on treadmills and work through countless reps on silly machines that work your body in one direction but: you start with whatever you can. Get outside and move like the animal you are. Lift, bend, twist, carry, throw, kick, balance, jump, swing, roll your body in different directions through all the planes of movement.

Talk to me. Ask me and others questions about what to do, when to do and how much. The time is now people. New adventures await you and the journey has just begun so get ready for MOCEAN!

More soon.

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