Just the word "fitness" at times drives me nuts because of its overuse and general cheesy connotations in the training field. my approach to it has been from day one, to improve other aspects of my life, namely how I'm able to move, react, and perform in my day to day.
Now this is finally reaching home with some, that what you do for training how you do your workouts and approach your "fitness" will effect your live positively! Its more than the silly glitz and glamor of "six pack abs" and "fat burning" and all the related industry jargon BS.
Those things are merely a byproduct bonus in my opinion. Can you work all day whether you are pounding nails, chasing kids or punching a keyboard pain free? When it comes time to play, do you have the endurance to fully enjoy the experience, whatever it may be?
We are living in a world where specialization is becoming more commonplace which in my opinion is very dangerous. Great you can design software but can you cut your own firewood? You can build a new deck on your house but can you write a short story? And to relate to training, you have "six pack abs" but can you climb a tree, dig a ditch or train without rest for an hour straight? I hope so to all of those questions!
Take a hard look at your "fitness" and see where and how it positively affects your life and those around you. Look outside of the box and get out of the gym and into the woods. If you don't have equipment, go find some in the woods or at the dump, make it. If you want to get in shape or better shape, JUST DO IT!
This is not the time for specialization but rather an acceptance of new experiences and challenges in regards to your "fitness". run, jump, roll, push, pull, react, stabilize, play, reach, balance, throw, fight, ride, try, read, bend, carry heavy loads and remember we are all animals and kids at heart. When you start accepting these many challenges then you begin to understand real world fitness and function and training with a purpose. SO GO DO IT!!!!!!
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